It's been a few months since my last newsletter. I have a couple of newsworthy events to tell you about.
While I have reduced my time with the Medium forum (trying to promote the TDG), but I am still dabbling as time, energy, and inspiration are available. This month, one of my articles went viral, having been viewed by 1,100 people. My usual average is about 40 views, so this was good news for me. Here is that article:
The article exposed new people to this alternative democracy and reinforced the message with some of its tepid cheerleaders. And I got a few catcalls as well.
I have put built a simulation where players can roleplay politicians trying to manage a pandemic. Basically,interventions will reduce the pandemic, but political approval drops when an intervention is deployed. Players have to strike the right balance to get a good score and earn a top spot in the Hall of Fame.
The simulation's link is here. I encourage you to give it a try:
There are three TDG ads with each report. As young, STEM-inclined people vie for a higher score, they will see the ads. Hopefully, some of them will become early TDG builders.
Spread the word as best you can. Maybe send an email that goes something like this: "There's this crazy guy from Canada with an interesting idea about a future democracy. Please give his work a little look. The next generation really needs to be in a better place."