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Circles of a Future Politician


Four years ago, Eli Weasel read a book about Tiered Democratic Governance (TDG), a new kind of democracy, a kinder democracy, a wiser democracy.

He got four of his friends together to start building a local version on the Tankosin Indian Reservation. The project captured the five youths. They learned to work together. They respected each other's opinions and perspectives. They listened to their advisor. They learned to bring their individuality together to create one voice. If their deliberations were an example of a future governance, it was a good example.

But then not much happened after their local constitution was ratified. They did hold some meetings, and new members trickled in. But that initial blaze dwindled to a smolder.

Until the catalyst.Those four quiet years had been preparing Eli and his friends for an acceleration of this new political movement.

Welcome to Circles of a Future Politician, where Tankosin's TDG becomes the most influential TDG in the USA.

This is my third TDG novel.It follows Diary of a Future Politician and Confessions of a Future Politician. I believe that Circles can stand as its own story. But reading the other two novels first will provide some useful background to help the reader better understand Circles. And, in my opinion (and my editor's opinion),Circles is the best of the three novels.

So partake in the TDG series as you see fit. Enjoy the read. Along the way, learn about this new democracy that the world so desperately needs.