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King George, can we Americans declare independence?

Imagine this historical conversation of a few founding fathers of the 13 American colonies.

Tom: Damn those British governors. They keep putting tariffs on everything we import and export.

Dick: I spent 800 pounds on some iron casting equipment from Sheffield. And a 150-pound tariff on top of that. Now they won’t let me sell my farming tools to France and Germany. They say I have to use a British agent.

Harry: They don’t want us in high tech. All they want is our food and lumber.

Tom: Last month, 10 of us petitioned the governor for fewer business restrictions.

Dick: What happened?

Tom: He refused to see us.

Harry: Maybe it is time to break away from British rule.

Dick: They won’t like that idea.

Harry: Probably not, but King George has some influence over Parliament. He seems like a decent sort. We can ask for his help, can’t we?

Dick: What if he says “no”?

Harry: Well, I guess we’ll have to remain under British rule.

Well, we know that that history did not happen

But from what I can see, this waiting-for-permission-that-is-not-going-to-come is happening today.

You see, I have formulated an alternative democracy. I’ve been working on this project for 27 years.

In 2019, I joined Medium. I found a higher degree of intellect and civility that had been lacking in other internet forums. I believe I have engaged with at least 5000 Medium people on this idea.

The collective response:


A big Meh! Despite four years of a Trump presidency. Despite a possible repeat of that presidency in November. Meh! We can’t look at an alternative democracy. My e-book sales (about $7 a book) and my website stats (free read of my TDG books) tell the story of the Meh!

Over the years, I’ve had a few Medium contributors tell me something like:

“I like your ideas, Dave. But the current holders of power would never approve of the TDG.”

That kind of sounds like the British in 1776, doesn’t it?

Like, really, what do you expect?

Like, those who have a cozy benefit with the current system are going to change that system to make things better for you? Come on, people get real. The powerful are not going to like the TDG. They are extremely happy that you are only complaining about the status quo they have created for you.

Then my well-meaning lukewarm TDG fans say something like:

“So it is pointless to build the TDG.”

Now that’s a good point. So why not just give the keys of the White House to Donald J. Trump? Let’s turn Congress into a shopping mall. That will save us a lot of anxiety trying to believe we can change things when we know he or his successor will eventually take charge and make the rules without due process.

Or, maybe, if we don’t like the Republicans running the show, let’s urge the Democrats to create their own one-party rule.

The founding fathers did not find it pointless to declare independence from Britain. The founding fathers did not find it pointless to build a new democracy.

But Medium readers are content to let the powerful people who run us continue to run us. Not a drop of revolutionary spirit to be found in 2024.

If you disagree with me, then what is your solution?

Published on Medium 2024

Bashing George Carlin

The Social Justice Keyboard Warrior