About 10 years ago, an idea trickled into my head about an advanced co-operative business model. I didn’t do much with that idea. But last fall, my intuition said it was time for this idea to be “out there.”
So I started writing “The Spolu.” It is now in the fourth draft and published on my “inventions” website.
It still needs more work, but people can take a one-hour read of this new idea.
I also put this draft into a 24-part series on Medium. Later I copied that series to this blog. Here is the start of the series.
I wasn’t expecting a great response. Series on Medium do not seem to do well. And it’s not hard to understand why. I have tried to follow a series or two: it was hard for me to keep track of the sequential articles, especially when my Medium feed is not reliable.
Besides this spolu concept is a possible solution. My experience is that Medium readers prefer articles that blame and complain.
So I thought most of the spolu series would languish next to zero in traction. But results were better than I expected.
One reader and I had some banter. He was a little confused that “profit distribution” is much different than “profit.” I’m not sure he got the point.
A brief description of the Spolu
Today’s corporate model is that the investors get all the profits.
Today’s co-operative models give their profits to either the employees or the customers.
In the spolu model, profits are distributed between 1) investors, 2) employees, 3) customers, 4) suppliers, and 5) philanthropy. This will profoundly change the connection between commerce, economy, and society. Profits circulate from spolu-to-spolu, creating a new economic ripple that reinforces other ripples.
As well, the spolus will pay their appropriate corporate taxes before distributing profits to the above stakeholders.
The spolu will allow consumers to more easily support socially responsible businesses.
You have both the website and blogs links. The sooner we start talking about the spolu, the sooner we can start building it.
Investigating this new way is much better than hoping politicians will somehow fix the nefarious ways of the corporate world.
Published on Medium 2024
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