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Spolu 1: Introduction

A Business Model for the 21st Century

For half of my 64-year life, I had thought today’s business models were sufficient for our societies to function well. I had my own small business, where I learned a lot about management and corporate affairs. Although this business failed, I maintained that that the structure was still sound. We should carry this model into the future.

But as I was formulating my thoughts on my advanced democracy (Tiered Democratic Governance), I was starting to see that the future also needed an advanced business model.

Not one just to complain, I decided to “vote with my feet.” I closed my personal bank account with one of Canada’s chartered banks — even though that bank had served me well. I also became a member in the fuel co-operative. I’ve been with these two co-operatives for 25 years, getting a small return on my purchases every year.

These two co-operatives are customer-owned co-operatives. Profits go back the customers.

I have heard of employee-owned co-operatives. But I have no experience with these kinds of businesses. But this got me thinking. Is it better for a co-operative be customer-owned or employee-owned? I could see advantages to both. But what about the original investors? Why should they be shut out of the co-operative’s future?

After much pondering, I came with an idea of an advanced co-operative, where all the stakeholders are the owners. I enhanced this idea over the years, but it has mostly stayed in my head. In late 2023, I first started putting the “spolu” concept on paper.

The Spolu Draft

Please be patient with this paper. It is a work in progress. I consider it my fourth draft.

1) This edition will have typos and grammar gremlins.

2) Some sentences and paragraphs will be massaged later.

3) New ideas are likely to come to me later.

4) A professional editor will be hired towards the end of this project, maybe three more drafts from now.

So please overlook my writing deficiencies. This book will get better.

You can follow this 24-part series by following the numbered links below. Most parts are short reads, like this one.

Another Reading Option

I have also placed this 24-part series on my Inventions website. I believe that, for many computer monitors, this website is more readable than this blog. Whatever works better for you.

Here is the "Inventions" link.

Publish on Medium 2024

Spolu 2: Corp vs Coop

I am Banned from the MAGA Camp