When I was a teenager, my mother gave me an important life lesson. She showed me a pile of dirt on our kitchen floor. Someone swept the floor but didn’t finish the job. Of course, it was not me.
My mother then gave me an unforgettable lesson. She said: “There are three kinds of people. The first kind will step over this dirt over and over until it gets scattered all over. The second kind will yell loud and long about the pile of dirt on the floor and someone else should clean it up. The third kind will spend 30 seconds to clean it up.”
I got the message well enough to understand that, to put my mother in a better mood, I should sweep up the dirt and put in the garbage. But I did not understand the full lesson until years later.
These days, my wanderings through Medium’s political pages have me reading many articles complaining about how the billionaire class has hijacked the democratic process for their own benefit.
In my mother’s kitchen dirt paradigm, these writers belong to the second group of people. Lots of complaining but no action.
You see, I have a solution to reform democracy so the billionaires cannot run things. But after five years on Medium, I have very little to show for my efforts: I am a Bottom Writer
“Why is Dave not successful?” you might be asking.
Good question. The answer lies in all these anti-billionaire articles. My ideas are not getting traction because I am not a billionaire. In a world where only billionaires have influence, there is no reason to listen to me.
I hope readers can see the irony here. In order to build a democratic system that curtails the power of billionaires, one must first be a billionaire. But the billionaires would be silly to build this system.
Best case of circular logic I’ve seen in a long time. Until I get filthy rich or become a celebrity which makes me filthy rich, there is no reason to investigate my TDG. Is there?
Here’s another round of circular logic we must pull ourselves out of. Why are we depending on a system to fix the mess the system created. Can someone explain how this can ever work out well?
If you aren’t trapped by the circular logic created by the billionaire class, you would have investigated my ideas on an alternative democracy when you first heard about it. For some of you, that was five years ago!
But I am a Billionaire
Did you know that Bill Gates and I have an average net worth of $15,000,000,000.46? ****
That makes me a billionaire. Fifteen times over. Now you can see I have the credibility to be taken seriously. So now you can investigate my alternative democracy.
So this billionaire (i.e. Dave) is telling you to build a kinder, wiser democracy. Here is how you build a kinder, wiser democracy.
Remember, I am a billionaire, so it’s now OK to take my suggestion seriously.
Further Notes
**** The billionaire determination came from these two figures: Mr. Gates’ net worth is $30,000,000,000.00, and my net worth is $0.92. Then apply some Grade 7 math to reach the right conclusion.
Some of you might object that I am only trying to sell a book. And a book sale will result in Mr. Gate’s and my average net worth go from $15,000,000,000.46 to $15,000,000,003.36. You have principles: making Mr. Gates a little richer than he already is the last thing you want to do. So not buying my book is understandable.
This is why my four TDG books are available for a free read from my website. You get a free read, thwarting the secret plot for billionaires, like Mr. Gates and I, to get richer.
Back to my mother’s paradigm
It is time to stop complaining — and get to work. Just pick up that pile of dirt. The dirt left by the billionaires.
Stop blaming the billionaires. When you blame, the billionaires are laughing behind your back. They know their pile of dirt won’t get picked up if you just complain and complain and complain. Remember they own the system. There’s no dirt on their floor. They have servants.
Let’s take my mother’s paradigm to the next level. The mess must be cleaned up. Let’s clean up their dirt. But let’s make sure they can no longer make another mess.
Build this new democracy. Just to piss off the billionaires. Isn’t that what you really want?
Build this new democracy to make a better world. That’s what you really want, right?
All for 10 hours a month of your time.
The world’s future is indeed in your hands. You only need to rid yourself of some circular logic that is holding you back.
This billionaire is telling you it's OK to build a new democracy.
Published on Medium 2023
Be the Example You Want our Politicians to Be