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Circles of a Future Politician

Year 8, Week 28

I am the manager of The Store. So I am responsible for scheduling The Stall. At our executive committee meeting, I couldn't remember when it was available. But after I looked at the booking sheet, I found a free spot eight days before our real election day. Justine will start notifying members of the advance poll.

Two years ago, the Tribal Council approached me to manage The Store. It is a gas station and convenience store. Not as glitzy as the stores in the white world, but it works for us. The Store had been losing money since it was built 10 years ago. Managers were fired quite frequently.

I had two main challenges. Working at The Store was regarded as an easy way to make money. Not only would workers get a wage, they could also put some cash into their pockets each shift. The Store did have cash-out practices each day. But when cash came up short, the morning shift could blame the afternoon shift and the afternoon shift could blame the morning shift. Nobody could prove anything, and all employees were probably stealing. When I took over, I shut The Store down in the middle of the day. The morning shift and afternoon shift would do a cash out and check over each other's figures. Then The Store opened up again. Customers learned it might not be a good idea to come to The Store between 2:00 and 3:00. But the employee theft was stopped.

And that brought another problem. Employees were not making as much money as before and were more likely not to show up for work. It took me about six months to find a good, reliable crew. When the accountant told the Tribal Council that The Store was putting money into the Reservation bank account, I got a small raise.

My manager's salary is $2200 a month. I also work one or two shifts a week, adding to my pay. So I have a small income. Sky also works a few shifts a week, but she also has her vegetable garden and farmer's market. I am often helping her in her business, doing tasks my bad knee can handle. We have a pickup truck that requires money to keep on the road. We are putting money in our bank account, but not telling anyone.

I sometimes work extra shifts when another employee can't make it. I'm just happy when they call to let me know. And when a worker needs some extra cash, I give him or her my shifts. When I'm driving the combine in the fall, the employees cover for me. When some employees like to travel or go hunting, us stay-at-homes cover for them.

By working with flexible shifts,each member of my crew has a job to stay on the Reservation and gets to do things he or she likes to do. Residents don't have to travel to the city to buy gas or basic groceries. Small businesses have The Stall to sell things on the Nation. The Tribal Council is happy with The Store's small profit.

The Store is a circle. It used to be a broken circle. I put the pieces together.