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Improve Yourself First! Pah!

I occasionally get commentary from TDG naysayers that there is no need to build a new kind of democracy. These naysayers use a phrase something like this: “We need to improve ourselves first. After we do this work, we will be a positive force for others to improve themselves.”

Some of these naysayers have also told me: “If more people better themselves in this way, then the system of governance will not matter. We can have a better society, regardless of an American democracy, a European democracy, a monarchy, or an oligarchy. When the people are rightly guided, so too will be their political leaders. The actual system is not that important.”

I say, “Pah”!

Our current political leaders shape our values. Wherever are leaders are in values, so go many voters. Too many.

When a political leader is found to engage in a little corruption, a few more citizens can justify corruption in their own, much smaller, lives. When a politician takes a little vacation on a government contractor’s dime, a carpenter justifies overcharging a customer on lumber used or bribing a building inspector or underreporting revenue to reduce taxes. The carpenter can say: “If the politicians can get away with it, why not me?”

If a politician lives a life of “sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll,” I will say that this politician is not putting the time or focus into understanding the issues and finding effective solutions. Perhaps worse, young people looking for role models would look at this politician as their example for a better life.

For every citizen that improves his life with positive study, counselling and introspection, our current political processes are turning three people down a wrong path. What is going to win this battle?

It’s not enough to better ourselves!

And that is why I say “Pah!” to the notion of improving ourselves as the solution. Too many people won’t take in this life journey as long as too many politicians are not exemplars of a better life.

Those of us with reasonably good attributes for the pursuit of happiness should not assume others will follow our path. We need to step up. We need to build a new democracy. We need to create a better democracy so that many other people will take on a similar life journey.

Tiered Democratic Governance will find the political leaders we really need. Tiered Democratic Governance will give those leaders the tools to move the rest of their citizenry forward.

Think of a world with more kindness and wisdom. Think of a world with fewer addictions. The TDG will move us there because its elected leaders will have kindness and wisdom. Nearly all of these leaders will not have serious addictions to impair their judgment.

We need politicians to lead the people, not follow them.

But we first need a different system of governance to find and place these leaders.

Published on Medium 2023

Public Opinion Must be Rightly Focused

Be the Example You Want Our Politicians to Be