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Please Put Me in an American Prison

A few months back, one of my tepid fans told me something like: “Dave, I really like your alternative democracy. But I can’t work for it because the current holders of power won’t allow something like the TDG to happen.”

She is probably right.

Unlike most utopian thinkers, I have outlined a plan to move from HERE to THERE: in this case, from western democracy to Tiered Democratic Governance (TDG). I have called this plan “Chapter 6.”

Here is a brief summary of Chapter 6.

The TDG is not another lobby or activist group trying to bend the will of the overly ambitious people who aspire for status, influence, and power. The TDG is not asking the current power brokers to do something for the TDG. If it did ask, it would be a futile task. The current power brokers are too busy and have neither interest nor unity in changing the current political structure.

Rather the TDG is about ordinary citizens who recognize that western democracy (especially the American version) is broken AND are willing to spend about 10 hours a month to build a new democracy. Kind of like the founding fathers who started the USA, who did not ask permission from King George and the English Parliament. In a like manner, the TDG will be built outside our current democratic structures.

As the early TDG builders build this new democracy, they are acquiring the skills to make TDG governance work. Writing local constitutions, conducting elections as per the rules of those constitutions, evaluating and adjusting, and merging with adjacent local TDGs will further TDG skills. As the TDG matures, TDG institutions will be commenting on societal issues. Many citizens will now recognize the wisdom coming from the TDG and see that the TDG replacing their current democracy is in the future. Finally, the TDG assumes authority and responsibility. You will need to read Chapter 6 to get the bigger picture.

The TDG will face challenges. One of these challenges is the eventual political opposition to the TDG.

As I was putting Chapter 6 together, I was fantasizing my role in countering this opposition. Here are my thoughts — and I think you will agree that my thinking is within reason.

Please note that there are many American laws on sedition and treason. I am not shy about saying that American democracy is broken and the USA needs to replace its 18th century constitution with a brand new piece of social engineering for the 21st century. So it’s not hard to imagine the legal grounds are already there to put me in front of a judge.

Even though I am breaking US laws, I am currently no threat to any powerful political entity. In other words, I am only one mosquito far away from Washington DC. I won’t be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned — for the time being.

Imagine a few people following my instructions to spend 10 hours a month to build the TDG. They start seeing how this new way can work. They gain enthusiasm. They start encouraging other people to join the movement.

Imagine when 1,000,000 Americans (0.3% of the total population) are dedicating 10 hours a month into building their local TDG. That would mean about 50,000 local TDGs being built across the USA! At this point, the TDG will be seen as a big swarm of mosquitos heading for Washington — and I would be deemed as the leader of this swarm.

The current culture of power brokers in the USA will not like this political movement. Here is why:

1. There will be a lot more people from the middle and lower classes in this new political system.

2. These people will put a lot more “socialism” in the USA.

3. The sociopaths and psychopaths in the current system know they would not rise high in the new system.

So there would be immense incentive for current power brokers to stop this TDG movement before it gets any bigger.

Not only that, stopping the TDG would be a great distraction from the unresolvable issues of economics, geopolitics, racism, and climate change.

The power brokers would have the political incentive and legal grounds to prosecute this swarm. They need only shout: “Dave Volek and his TDG are ‘unconstitutional!” as if this slogan is all that is needed to bring this movement down. Unfortunately, too many Americans like blaming someone else for their political ailments. So the shout will echo itself into a new opposing movement much bigger than the TDG. The political right and political left will temporarily unite to save their country. Some TDG leaders will be tied up in expensive criminal trials.

Being the inventor of the TDG, I would be one of those charged. I am somewhat protected because I live in Canada. Canada would not hand me over to US authorities immediately because there is a thorough extradition process the US authorities have to navigate through.

I might not wait the next six months or so for an extradition verdict. I have envisioned myself driving to the Coutts/Sweetgrass border crossing and surrendering myself to the US Border Patrol. From there, I would be bounced around the American penal and legal systems. My wardrobe would be an orange jumpsuit, which I will happily wear in an American courtroom. It could take several years to get my charges in front of a judge and jury.

“Fantasy,” you say? Is it not possible that 0.3% of the American population might be willing to start this movement? And the opposition to this movement would want me in an American prison?

So if you want to test my martyrdom mettle, follow the instructions in this link.

Do your best to put me in an orange jumpsuit. And the world will indeed become a better place.

Published on Medium 2023

The National Narrative

"New World Coming" that we cannot see