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Merging TDGs

Initially, each local TDG is an independent entity, employing the principles of Tiered Democratic Governance. The eventual goal is to join all the TDGs together.

Early TDGs should be looking at TDGs adjacent to them to merge with. If there is no TDG in these areas, the TDG should put some resources toward starting them. They should find citizens in these areas willing to start their own local TDG. The “old” TDG can provide their experience for the “new” TDG to learn about TDG governance.

When two adjacent TDGs have matured, they should consider joining into one TDG. So the executive committees of the two TDGs should set up a joint committee to discuss a merger. Most likely, the two TDGs will have enough differences in their constitution that some issues need resolving. For example, one TDG may have its election in April and the other in September. When should the merged TDG have its election? The merging committee should discuss the merits of both systems and come to some agreement. Because the merged TDG is bigger, this might be a good time to add another tier to govern this larger area. In essence, the merging committee is writing a new constitution for the merged area.

When the merging committee gets its draft together, that draft goes to the executive committee- of the two TDGs. The executive committees might have some suggestions, which get sent back to the merging committee. That committee then refines the draft. Eventually the draft reaches a state where the executive committees of both TDGs approve.

Then both TDGs have to get approval from their members to approve of new constitution. When both memberships agree, the two local TDGs are now merged into one bigger TDG.

After the TDGs are merged, the builders should be monitoring the merger. For example, there might have been some small glitches in the elections because the members were voting with a slightly different electoral system. Maybe some constitutional changes are required. Or maybe only more education is needed. Solving all these problems is good practice for TDG governance.

If a merger between the two TDGs is not possible, the two TDGs should be looking for a different adjacent partner. The merger can be tried again after time and elections will replace a few executive committee members who may have been a hindrance to the earlier merger.

Starting a local TDG, writing its first constitution, amending that constitution, and now merging TDGs are going to give a lot of citizens practical experience in TDG governance. As the TDG gets bigger, many more citizens can relate to TDG governance because they have had an actual hand in developing that system. Having many members with first-hand experience is going to build credibility and legitimacy for this new system.

Published on Medium 2021

The First TDG Constitution

Kabbalah & the TDG