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So Politically Paralyzed We Are

Earlier in my Medium sojourn, I might have had 40 conversations that went something like this:

Medium Contributor:

I hate Donald Trump. He is just a greedy businessman. He lives off the fortune created by his father and grandfather. He has no useful talents. He is mentally unfit. He is the worst President ever.


I have an alternative democracy where the likes of Mr. Trump will not rise very high.

What is. . . the logical next step. . . for these 40 Medium contributors?

How about this step: “Let’s see what this Dave guy has to say!”?

Sorry! Popular Medium opinion says that that is the wrong answer.

We all know it is impossible to investigate new ways of democracy because American democracy is the highest possible form of governance ever invented. Or the current holders of power will never allow this new democracy to happen. We should leave this Dave guy alone with his crazy ideas.

Why won’t people investigate a possible solution to the mess we are in? Is this not a sign that we might be paralyzed in our political thinking?

Another Sign of Paralysis

Recently, I had an interesting response from one of my 50 or so tepid TDG fans:

70% of the residents of this country apparently can’t read the writing on the wall yet. And until they remove the rose-colored glasses and put the readers on, we will continue to flounder right into the authoritarian plutocratic theocracy that is rapidly taking shape.

There’s a lot to unpack here.

First, I believe the near future of the USA has already been decided. There’s not much any of us average people can do about it anymore. Vote, protest, admonish the 70% all you want. If a Republican oligarchy is in the destiny, it will be. Or if there is another decade of democratic bumbling left in the USA, it will be. What will happen? We can only wait for after 2025. But to think we average people can change whatever destiny is to unfold, that is naive.

Second, 30% of Americans want that “authoritarian plutocratic theocracy.” The gubernatorial election in Virginia last November proved that.

And 40% don’t care. Add 30% to 40%, and that’s how the tepid cheerleader got her 70% figure.

Third, by allocating millions of Americans into some 70% category, this puts all the blame on them. It is their fault, right? When it is their fault, it’s not our fault, right? We did what we could, right? We warned everybody, didn’t we?

Fourth, 100% minus 70% is 30%. This 30% constitutes the “wise” Americans, who see the signs and the possible oligarchic rule coming down the road. But is this 30% really that wise?

What is this 30% really doing about this mess? Why, they are putting their faith, hope, trust, thoughts, and prayers into a political party that is seemingly impotent. This is like setting off on a cross-continent road trip with four bald tires on our car. When the passengers cannot convince the driver to buy new tires, shouldn’t the passengers consider not going on this trip? If they continue to go, is this not another sign of American democracy not functioning all that well?

Why are people so paralyzed in their political thinking?

Should I mention that this supposedly wise 30% will also likely not investigate a new democratic way in which the likes of Donald Trump will not rise very high?

The TDG Steps and More Paralysis

Let me just show more examples of how paralyzed we really are:

On Medium, I have had no trouble finding people who understand that the system is broken. But, as I alluded earlier, I have not had much success in getting them to think in a different direction. Am I asking too much from them?

In some of my 284 articles and 7006 responses, I have outlined three steps for my tepid fans to take the next TDG step.

Step #1: Read the TDG Books

I’m sorry. You need to spend about 10 hours reading my books. These books will explain how the TDG works and how average people can build this new democracy. Don’t pretend you understand the TDG because you read a couple of my articles and responses. Read the TDG books.

“Ten hours is too much,” you say? You will likely spend 10 hours on Medium this week. And another 10 hours next week. What about the week after? You will likely spend 10 hours watching TV this week: movies, sports, news. Let’s face it, you can find the TDG time if you want.

Let me frame it this way: reading the TDG could help change the world. All those other activities won’t change much of anything — and that has already been proven. Yet we are so paralyzed not to invest those 10 hours.

BTW, the TDG books are a free read from my website. I don’t want technology or a small fee to stop people from investigating this idea.

Step #2: Tell Your Communities

Write an online letter to your social media groups and email contacts. Your letter could go something like this:


Many of us are frustrated with the current state of our democracy. Why is it we just cannot seem to move forward anymore?

I have recently found a rather innovative fellow from Canada with a new idea about democracy. Dave has been working on his “Tiered Democratic Governance” for many years. I have taken a look at Dave’s work. It seems promising and worthy of more investigation. Dave is calling for average people to build this system. I think it’s worth a try. No one else seems have an idea.

I’m just passing Dave’s website to you. Take a look.

Regards ____

Let your online community know of your TDG find.

Especially the under-30s in your life. They must be depressed as hell knowing that they will be under the same kind of bizarre politics for the rest of their lives. They have a good reason to build the TDG: their children and grandchildren. Building the TDG will also be good for these young adults’ mental health. They will be doing something positive for society.

The under 30s in your life need someone to show them this opportunity. I can’t reach them. You can!

You can also talk to your real-life communities. How about a conversation like this:


The Republicans want to take over. They will give themselves all the top jobs in government. Some of us will go to prison.


There’s this Dave fellow from Canada who has some interesting ideas on a new kind of democracy. He says there should be no political parties. If you have a half hour, I can explain it to you as best I can.

Step #3: TDG Action

TDG talk is great, but TDG action is more important. The TDG will be organized geographically in electoral units of about 200 residents. Find four to six of your neighbors and start building your local TDG constitution.

How about this conversation with your neighbor:


“Why is politics so combative and confrontational and can’t seem to get much done?”


“Come to my place on Thursday at 7:00. We will discuss a new kind of democracy that was invented by this guy from Canada.”

You do not need your entire neighborhood to start your TDG! Just four neighbors and maybe a few more.

In Diary of a Future Politician, I give examples of local TDG constitutions. You can copy one of them and make adjustments to suit your neighborhood. Or you can build something totally new!

I suggest one evening every two weeks in your living room. Assign one person as the constitutional writer; if you write on Medium, you have the skills for this job. Between the meetings, use emails to exchange ideas and perspectives of the various clauses that will go into your constitution. Give your opinions but be ready to let the formulating consensus to unfold.

It might take your group three or four months to get your local TDG constitution together. While you are building this constitution, you — and your fellow TDG builders — are learning a new way of collective decision making. This lesson is perhaps more important than the TDG constitution itself. The right attitude is more necessary than the written word. And, by example, you will teach that right attitude to the new TDG members.

Paralysis of the Three Steps

Step #1 and Step #2 are kind of easy. Almost too easy. Just read a few books. Send out some messages. What’s so hard about that? We all will read some books over the next year. We all will post things on social media. Why not insert some TDG content?

Yet the tepid TDG fans cannot do these simple steps. Why? Maybe because they are so paralyzed?

Step #3 requires more effort. It will take you out of your comfort zone. At first, you might say to yourself: “I don’t want to spend my spare time with my neighbors.” Fear not! Many of your neighbors will not want to spend their spare time building an alternative democracy. But the few neighbors who take on this task should be fairly agreeable, open-minded, friendly people.

You might find your TDG building as an important part of your social and community life. You will have the commonality of building a new democracy. This could bring new friendships, new support network, and friendly times. And in two or three years, you just might understand why this TDG is really going to work out OK.

But if you are paralyzed, you will never know where this path could go, will you?
Just get yourself unparalyzed!

Read the TDG books; send out the TDG messages; talk to a few of your neighbors about building the TDG.

Ten hours a month in exchange for making the world a better place.

It’s that simple!

Unless you are paralyzed. Then continue to vote, protest, and admonish.

That has worked so well for us, hasn’t it?

Published on Medium 2022

Building a Local TDG

Combating Political Mental Illness